Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Rehearsals 17.12.07

What strange beast is this? Don't mention the h word.

Monday, 10 December 2007

Rehearsals in fast forward

Tonight we have been mostly cue-biting!

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Rehearsals for 1960's Supper & Song fundraising night

Today (Saturday 3rd November) we are hoping to raise lots of money by inviting people in to eat lots of Pam's hearty soups & loads of puddings (forget the main course!). Oh and some people are going to play music in the intervals ;-).

Musical rehearsal 30th October

Monday, 29 October 2007


Is it just part of the plot?

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Act one scene one.

A brief pause in rehearsals.

Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Here we go again.

Week two of rehearsals for our 2008 production of red riding hood gets underway. Can you spot the new faces?

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Sunday, 15 April 2007

A break in rehearsals

Some of the cast of "Ernie" pose during rehearsals. 14 April 2007

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Cinderella ballroom scene rehearsal

Not long left to get this right. So many people & such a small stage!

The Foot That Fits

Caught at rehearsals, just a couple of weeks before curtain up, Chris Chiswell & Sarah-Jane Cross practise their song, closely watched by writer & director Chris De Vere hunt

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

"Ernie" rehearsals still going strong

Rehearsing the opening scene under the direction of Sarah-Jane

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

"Ernie" Rehearsals

Rehearsals for Ernie & His Incredible Illucinations are now well underway. Over 30 under 16's are involved.
Pic is from 26th March. l to r - Henry, Breyon, Hana & Harry.

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Before curtain up at Cinderella

Audience - now you know why you are left outside queueing in the rain!

Could you be a Merry Man?

If you could, why not join us? Send an email to the address shown somewhere on this page!

Sunday, 11 February 2007

11:45pm Saturday

That's it (well almost)! Thanks everyone for a fantastic time.... Right, what's next?

10:30pm Saturday night

All hands on deck as the clear up begins.

Interval on last night.

Just another 40 minutes or so and it will be all over for another year.

Monday, 5 February 2007

Rehearsal 05.02.07

Teabreak at last rehearsals before dress rehearsal. Good luck everyone! Sorry, i mean break a leg!!

Saturday, 3 February 2007

View from onstage

New lighting bars are up. Stage apron is in place & the footlights are on. All you need now is an audience.

In the spotlight.

Don't forget the words to your song now!

Writers at work.

Meanwhile, scriptwriters Chris & Tim dot all the t's & cross all the i's.

Bodgit & Creepaway Mk2

Putting up lighting bars & lights. Getting ready for tonight's tech run.

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Rehearsals 29th January 2007

Well, only just over a week to go and I finally get to find out what happens at the end! (OK I know I should have read the script but that would have spoilt it) I won't give too much away but suffice it to say the words after, ever and happily spring to mind.

I think we finally realise what a gargantuan task putting on a pantomime is. The amount of backdrops and props is vast so it really is a case of "all hands on deck".

Standing on stage last night, the hall looked full of people, yet there was no audience! It's great to think that there are so many people from the village involved, and whilst things do get a little tense at times, we wouldn't be there it we didn't enjoy it! Would we?!!

See you all at singing practise tonight.


Monday, 22 January 2007

Now Breyon, look horrified!

What fantastic acting. You could almost believe that Breyon is genuinely appalled at having to dance with Nigel!!

Backstage at rehearsals


Sunday, 21 January 2007