Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Rehearsals 29th January 2007

Well, only just over a week to go and I finally get to find out what happens at the end! (OK I know I should have read the script but that would have spoilt it) I won't give too much away but suffice it to say the words after, ever and happily spring to mind.

I think we finally realise what a gargantuan task putting on a pantomime is. The amount of backdrops and props is vast so it really is a case of "all hands on deck".

Standing on stage last night, the hall looked full of people, yet there was no audience! It's great to think that there are so many people from the village involved, and whilst things do get a little tense at times, we wouldn't be there it we didn't enjoy it! Would we?!!

See you all at singing practise tonight.
